Monday 5 August 2013

Rule No. 21: Everyone has a dirty secret...

I have had over 4,500 views of my blog in 19 days, whaaaaat?!?! Therefore, without sounding like one of those crappy "I would like to thank my mum, my dad and especially God..." speeches, THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Before I started my blog, I read an article on The Guardian website with hints and tips to creating a successful blog (I had no idea how to do it). One of the tips was not to panic if your blog started to become successful, where they had classed successful as 1,000 views a month. When I read that, I genuinely thought 'I hope that one day I can get 1,000 views in a month'. How have I managed over four times that in less than a month?? Who bloody knows.

A special thank you to everyone that is sharing it on Facebook and Twitter. I haven't even had to force people at gun point to do that yet (to any policemen/policewomen out there, I do not own a gun. I do however own a nail file, which probably could cause a bit of damage if I tried really hard).

Anyway, onto today. I started reading a Roald Dahl book this morning, I've actually only read a couple of his books before. I was too obsessed with Jacqueline Wilson, Dick King-Smith, Enid Blyton and my Mega Drive (retro) when I was a child. Some would say I'm now a bit old for Roald Dahl and maybe I should try reading something of a higher calibre. However, I say screw you, the books are legendary. Today I've started on James and the Giant Peach. I must admit I did feel a little bit awkward on the tube this morning, I felt the same kind of way you would if you got on wearing a kids back pack. People looked confused, but at the same time were like 'fair play, you go for it'. And, I did go for it, I read four chapters and I'm going to read another four chapters in bed tonight. I am so wild.

On another note, I have been laughing all day thinking about a photo that my friend Kirsty got tagged in last night on Facebook. I was laughing so much at lunch that I had tears streaming down my face, and I sounded like Muttley from Wacky Races...

There can't be anything worse that getting tagged in a photo where you're generously helping yourself to a buffet. Especially when you didn't even know the photo was being taken.

Go on Kirsty, help yourself to another spring roll...

I now want spring rolls.

So today's rule... 'Everyone has a dirty secret', which they do, except me. I tell everyone everything (hence the blog). I can't help it, I feel like everyone needs to know everything about my life. I AM WHAT I AM. (I promise I won't tell anyone your secrets though, I am good at keeping those...most of the time).

I told a lie. I do have one little secret...

Welcome to the inside of my wardrobe:

I told you everyone has a secret. Mine happens to be ONE DIRECTION IN MY WARDROBE. Not the real One Direction, I wouldn't keep that a secret, I would definitely show off about that.



P.S. I now have a little clicky button thing, please see below. It's for people to follow my blog easily. Please press it :)

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