Sunday 4 August 2013

Rule No. 20: You're never going to be Jay-Z...unless you are Jay-Z

I don't know what is happening to me, but I am currently listening to Selena Gomez's new song. Yes, that's right, I actively searched for it on YouTube. Please feel free to shoot me. Actually don't, I don't want to die. Please feel free to wave your finger at me with a disappointed face.

Last night ended up being a pretty big night...which resulted in a 4am taxi ride home with Emma and Aimee asleep in the back, and me eating a family sized bag of Wotsits. However, surprisingly I woke up feeling great this morning so I had a little Waitrose trip with my housemate. I was in such a good mood, I was walking down each aisle singing the new Jay-Z song really loudly, and doing that gangsta limpy walk thing whilst carrying my shopping basket. My housemate walked a couple of steps ahead of me, but she said she's not going to worry about me until I start wearing a backwards cap.

Maybe I should also start posing like this.

Minus the chain because that looks really heavy. And expensive.

It wasn't until I left Waitrose that I realised it was pretty obvious that I hadn't showered...


When I got home (after washing the stamp off) I started to try and learn how to play the ukulele using YouTube tutorials. It wasn't successful. For some reason there have always been two things that I have never been able to learn how to do, despite my biggest efforts. These are, learning a foreign language, and playing an instrument. I tried learning to speak German last year, I paid £100 for the course and I still only know how to count to ten and say thank you. I just don't get it.

Ich liebe Wurst.

I feel like giving up on the ukulele already...first of all I had a massive tantrum because I couldn't even tune the bloody thing. I then watched a YouTube video that was made for CHILDREN in hope that it might help me understand it a bit more, but I couldn't even play Old McDonald.  I think I'm going to give myself a little break and come back to it in a few days. Sad face.


Yes, it really is ginormous.



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