Wednesday 17 July 2013

Rule No.6: When the gym emails you to say they're worried about you it's time to start going to the gym again

Well today has been interesting. Obviously the diet went out of the window again. I had a client breakfast this morning, which consisted of smoked salmon and scrambled eggs on toast. Then I had a River Island press event, where I got a free cronut (croissant and doughnut). In all fairness I only had a bite - it was very greasy and I'm not sure I liked it. Then, at another press event there was a chocolate stand with free samples...I don't need to explain much more. THEN I went to lunch with a girl that was leaving and had a fish burrito and THEN tonight I had a picnic, which consisted of crisps, bread, cheese, olives, cake...

To make matters worse I received an email from my gym this morning as they are worried about me. I've been once in the last two months and they're concerned to why I haven't been going. It's just so hard going after work when I get invites to go to the pub or for dinner!! However, I need to be strict. I don't want to be Mr Blobby in Italy! I'll try again tomorrow...

Here's the cronut:

On a non food/gym related note, when I was coming back from my meeting this morning I noticed there was a used plaster (bandaid) stuck to my foot. VOM. I tried scraping my foot on the floor (doing this when walking down Carnaby Street isn't the best look), but it wasn't working and I was worried people would think I was scraping dog muck off my shoe. I therefore decided to do a little shuffle now and again, which didn't work. My friend then attempted to use her shoe to help get it off, but that didn't work either. I finally decided to just pretend it wasn't there and sort it out when I got to my desk. Of course, when I got to my desk I completely forgot about it. Five hours later I looked down and saw the disgusting thing, and yes I had to use my fingers. I then forgot I did this and had a bite of the above cronut. Let's just hope I don't have any diseases.

Later on today I discovered a picture of me IN MY BIKINI on the Daily Mail. I was mortified/horrified/confused all in one the hell did they get this picture??? A picture that I removed from my timeline on Facebook, because I didn't like it...and it was now on the bloody Daily Mail. I eventually discovered my friend had sent it in (I have no idea why) without even asking me. Disaster. Some people would say I'm now famous, some people would say it's very embarrassing. I'd 100% go with the latter. If you want to see it, then here you go.  It's one of the last photos and I have a red polka dot bikini on. Cringinghell.

That will be enough shame for today.

Night x

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