Friday 12 July 2013

Rule No. 1: Don't wear black pants with a cream skirt

Happy Friday!

You're probably out being sociable right now. I'm currently at home, alone and drinking red wine, which I'm genuinely excited about. Mainly because I never seem to have much time on my own, but most importantly I can sit watching Pursuit of Happyness without my bra on. (FYI, the film and bra are not connected. The lack of bra is for comfort purposes only).

My current view:

In reference to the title of this post, today I have learnt three things:

1) I only seem to wear my glasses at work when I want to feel clever. It works and I recommend it.
2) Think before telling people in your office that every word that has 'gina' in it is a great word. Vagina is one of those words. Although, personally I still think vagina is a great word.
3) Don't wear black pants with a cream skirt. And, if you happen to (like I did today) then make sure people know they are black pants and that the dark area isn't because you haven't bothered to shave for 12 months.

Galaxy update:

Tomorrow I'm going to make a video of the Fire Poi moves I've learnt (I've been learning for the past five weeks) - there's no fire involved yet, but you can see me wave ribbons around. If you don't find it impressive then I'm hoping you'll at least laugh, so look out for it as I'll be posting it on here.

Obviously I'll also attempt to give you some more important life lessons...


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