Monday 29 July 2013

Rule No.16: Always remember to brush your teeth

It's not the best start to a Monday morning when the fire alarm goes off. The whole office did the 'do you think it's real? Let's just stay at our desks for a few minutes to see' thing. It only occurred to me as I slowly picked up my phone and dragged my feet towards the nearest fire exit that 'sh*****t, I'm the department fire warden'. I then of course made sure that everyone had left the department floor before I made an escape. I would like to say it's a rather heroic job, I could have saved lives (if it wasn't a drill).

When I finally got outside there was a big cheer and everyone praised me for my bravery. I wish. My team laughed at me. Apparently they are getting a little concerned that I have some kind of 'fire fetish'. I suppose not everyone learns fire poi and volunteers to be the work fire warden. I don't think they have anything to worry about until I start making fires at my desk. Although, I have become a little addicted to lighting the spray from an orange peel when you squeeze it really hard. I recently learnt the trick at a cocktail making masterclass. I'm not very good.

We ended up standing outside for about 10 minutes whilst all of our floors were checked for any signs of fire. Obviously we all chatted amongst ourselves (standing in silence would just have been weird). However, I probably shouldn't have talked to anyone. I stupidly forgot to brush my teeth this morning and I hadn't had a drink either. I felt disgusting. I hate that whole awkward trying to cover your mouth with your hand, taking a little step backward so you're not too close to the other person thing. Lesson learnt.

Tonight I met up with a couple of girls from home that were in London for the day. We went to Wahaca and stuffed our faces with mexican food. As usual we ordered too much so I challenged Sinead to Man Vs Food. As you can see from the picture, it didn't go too well.

We still ordered dessert.

Random thought...on my way home I noticed a sign for a missing cat. At first I felt sorry for the cat, and then sorry for the owners. However, it then dawned on me...why would you print a black and white picture of your cat? Surely that doesn't make people instantly recognise it? Or, maybe because I don't like cats I find it harder to notice the difference between them. But, surely a black and white photo doesn't tell you what colour the cat actually is? I wouldn't look at and go "oooh yeaaa that's the ginger cat I saw this morning". Therefore, I have decided that the owner is either very stupid, lazy or doesn't actually care that it's missing. Either that or I'm just a narrow minded cat hater.

Night x 

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