Monday 22 July 2013

Rule No.10: The royal baby is allowed to steal your thunder

Today I had my first Fire Poi lesson with REAL FIRE. It was 33 degrees and I had to wear black jeans, a black t-shirt and throw fire around. I was a sweaty mess, but who cares, I bloody did it. And, I only managed to hit myself three times. AND, I did not set myself on fire. Overall, it was reasonably successful. Therefore, it won't be long until I'm like this:

OK, I'm being rather optimistic. It won't be long until I'm like this:

Too far.

Anyway, none of this really matters as I haven't just popped out the future king. I can't even imagine what that must feel like. It must also be weird for William to think that his son won't be king until he's dead. OK, that's a weird thing to think and probably hasn't even crossed Big Willy's mind. On another note, I hope the baby isn't ginger (no offence) and doesn't have William's nose, as my daughter is going to marry him. Even if there is a 20 year difference.

I'm going to attempt to get up early tomorrow and take a picture of the easel on the way to work (if it's still there). If I manage to do it then of course I'll post it on here :)

On a disappointing note, I tweeted Boris Johnson to ask if we can have Monday off work, but he hasn't replied. Therefore, I'm guessing we don't get a bank holiday for a Royal baby being born. Worth a try anyway.

I need to shower as I smell of paraffin.

Happy New Royal Baby Day.

Night x

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