Tuesday 10 September 2013

Rule No. 41: Never leave the house when you look horrible

It's typical that you bump into everyone you know when you're looking your worst.

On the way to my fire poi lesson last night I bumped into two people I hadn't seen for ages. I also saw a guy that's a bit of an ex...why did I see him for the first time in months when I'm wearing really scruffy jeans, a creased Uni hoody that's six years old with holes in it, and my hair scraped back with no make up on?!

I obviously acted like I hadn't seen him so he didn't have to see my spotty face up close, but from the corner of my eye I could see him staring at me. Probably nearly vomiting and thinking 'why did I ever go there?'

Although, I can't have looked as horrendous as I felt because a younger, spottier version of Richie from Bottom growled at me when he walked past. GROWLED!

It might not have been a 'sexual' growl though, it could have been an angry growl. Or, maybe he just likes growling?

So my diet officially started yesterday. Although, I did eat a croissant for breakfast and some Minstrels after lunch, so technically the diet started from 3pm. It has now been over 24 hours and I am still on track. 

I am also going to the gym tomorrow. Well I thought I better go before they start sending out a search party.

In other news the Cosmo Lingerie Show tickets are now on sale. I'm ridiculously excited because I helped organise the show, and it's held at One Marylebone, which is a great venue. Although, the last time I was there for the Inside Soap Awards a random man came up to me and told me that 'we were the ugly ones in the room'. Apparently this is a guys way of flirting (?), but all it did was shatter my confidence and it made me want to kick him where it hurts. Especially as I'd actually made an effort to look nice that night. Thanks pal! 

My friends found it hilarious. 

I was meant to go to a film preview tonight for Powder Room, but I got ridiculously lost and missed the first half of the film. Therefore, Aimee and I decided to go to the Jade Garden in Chinatown instead. We were really disappointed to have missed the film so we ate lots of dumplings and prawn crackers to make us feel better. 

OK so I lied. The diet is not on track. 

I'm sorry for lying.

P.S. Cadbury's are releasing a bar with Daim in it. I hope you're as excited as me. I WANT IT IN MY MOUTH NOW.

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