Sunday 13 October 2013

Rule No.51: Always blame alcohol. It's not your fault.

Surprise Surprise, I drank too much last night.

Therefore, today has consisted of chicken nuggets, a bacon sandwich, lots of TV watching and my onesie.

Yes, I know I look like a man.

Last night was brilliant though. I have amazing friends, the Market House in Brixton was really cool and the whole night was just so much fun. Well, what I can remember of it anyway...I blame gin.

Unfortunately the gin has also made me forget that I gave my number to a guy and, I can't for the life of me remember him.

He could have been really HOT!!!!


He hasn't sent me a picture of himself (I know this is not a shock) so he might have to stay a mystery. I'm an idiot.

On the plus side, I've been chatting to a hot french guy on Tinder today and we're going to meet up next week. I'm excited for the french accent. Oui oui.

Right I'm off to bed in hope that I wake up feeling relatively normal tomorrow.

Night x

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